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Hexadecimal is a numerical system used in computing and programming known as base-16. It represents numbers using a combination of 16 digits, 0-9 and A-F.

One of the main advantages of hexadecimal is its efficiency in representing large numbers. In binary, the base-2 numerical system used by computers, it takes eight digits to represent a number as small as 255. However, hexadecimal only takes two digits to represent the same number. It is a compact and efficient representation of numbers in computing and programming.

Another benefit of hexadecimal is its ease of conversion to and from other numerical systems. Since hexadecimal uses a base of 16, it is easy to convert to and from the base-10 system used in everyday life by simply dividing or multiplying by 16. It can also be easily converted to and from binary, as four binary digits can represent each hexadecimal digit.

Hexadecimal is common in computing and programming for a variety of purposes. It represents colors in web design, where a 6-digit hexadecimal code represents each color. It means memory addresses in computers, data types, and values in programming languages.

In conclusion, hexadecimal is a valuable and efficient numerical system for representing large numbers in computing and programming. Its compact representation and ease of conversion makes it a useful tool for various purposes in this field.

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